Untitled for Technically Sweet
Two-channel video installation on monitors, 2008, 2 min 30 sec
"Untitled for Technically Sweet" was originally inspired by the Antonioni script of the same title for an exhibiton curated byYvette Brackman and Maria Finn and shown at Participant Inc. NYC, Overgaden- Institute for Contemporary Art, Copenhagen. Under the subconscious yet ever-present glow of real and psychic catastrophic events lies something even more terrifying—the natural world and its utter indifference. This two-channel video installation pits catalog-perfect natural settings with the potential for environmental devastation. On one channel the artist, her husband, and her baby attempt to have an idealic encounter with nature as they relax in a well-groomed patch of lawn surrounded by lush green mountains. On the other channel a stampede of animals flee an unseen event. Their flight is relentless.
Special Thanks to
Robert Boyd
Quentin Chiappetta
Paul DeSandre
Eric and Leon Heist
Michael Ross
and Frank Schwere